All domestic undergraduate students taking twelve (12) or more credit hours, graduate assistants, research assistants, teaching assistants, and assistant instructors taking six (6) or more hours, and all other domestic graduate students taking nine (9) or more credit hours are eligible to enroll in the student health insurance plan.
Health insurance is required at Western Kentucky University for ALL international students. A MANDATORY health insurance plan offered by Western Kentucky University is available to ALL international students. All of Western Kentucky University’s international students are automatically enrolled in Academic HealthPlans, Inc. insurance and it will appear on your university bill.
All undergraduate and graduate students who have applied for graduation, have been approved by the registrar’s office and are taking a minimum of 3 hours of coursework during their final semester are considered full-time students by WKU and are eligible to enroll in the student health insurance plan.
Dependents of students enrolled in the plan may enroll in the plan on a voluntary basis.